Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Year End Thoughts

As I sit here this evening I am reflecting back on this year. It has brought me challenges and new comforts.
The picture here is of me by one of the students that I work with at a local high school program. I let her run loose with my camera and it was as if it was christmas or her birthday. Her eyes lit up and she was so surprised when I said yes she could hold it...when I said she could shoot with it you could see the joy. I sit here now and realise that everytime I take a camera into my hands I feel this same way. Each time is the first, and last time that these moments will be captured.
I view this picture and I see the years that I have been fortunate to have lived, and the lives I have touched. I feel privledged to have been the moment that she felt to capture. As a young teen what could she see in a subject as myself? That is the beauty of what we all have inside of us. We each see our world differently and at the same time we co exist with others that we sometimes don't even notice. That is the wonder of capyuring the moments that make up our lives. Looking at the images created tells a story to each viewer. As you go through your day stop and admire the moments that have made your day. The good, the bad, the boring, the exciting...it is what has made you for that day, savior these and taste all that life puts in front of you.

Monday, December 29, 2008

End of Mayhem...

Well I am happy to say that all is going much better. Looks like the year will end on a positive note. I have some great concepts for future shoots and I am looking forward to working with some great models.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Prepping for the New Year

I've decided to use my art in a different direction. I have always been facinated and intrigued by the darker side of things. It is finally emerging in my photography. There is a unique thing that happens when you can see beauty in the darker themed ideas and thoughts...I will continue this later.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Year end madness...

Is it my imagination but at times everything just goes wrong? When you try and do the right thing the wrong things happen. Well I am going to try and not dwell on these lil things and make the best of everything else. I try and keep a positive outlook but wow...sometimes I wonder if what I do makes a difference. And if it does make a difference am I making a positive difference or is it all just smoke and mirrors.